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Sep 18, 2023

GLASS has been selected for TechCrunch Startup Battlefield 200

GLASS has been selected for TechCrunch Startup Battlefield 200

TechCrunch Disrupt, the “original startup conference” has selected us to participate in its prestigious Startup Battlefield 200. This competition serves as a global stage, spotlighting the most disruptive 200 startups from multiple industries worldwide. In this blog post, we share what the TechCrunch Startup Battlefield 200 is all about, its significance within the entrepreneurial landscape, and the importance of having a GovTech startup in the mix.

About the TechCrunch Startup Battlefield 200

TechCrunch's Startup Battlefield 200 stands as the premier global startup competition. Within this event, Startup Battlefield 200 presents the top 200 startups from all corners of the world, spanning various categories, all under the spotlight at TechCrunch Disrupt 2023. Even though each of these 200 companies takes center stage at the Pitch Showcase during the event, only the top 20 emerge as finalists, earning the opportunity to pitch on the prestigious Disrupt Stage, competing for a $100,000 equity-free prize and the chance to claim the coveted Disrupt Cup. 

Why does the TechCrunch Startup Battlefield 200 matter? 

Tech entrepreneurs are aware of the significance of these events for forging connections within the entrepreneurial community. It's a platform where newcomers navigating the startup landscape, seasoned investors seeking the next big breakthrough, and visionary founders poised to revolutionize the entrepreneurial sphere converge.

For us, along with the other 199 startups, it's an opportunity to showcase our venture on the exhibition floor and engage with a staggering 10,000 attendees, compete on stage, pitching on center stage for a shot at the $100,000 prize and the prestigious Disrupt Cup, and gain exclusive access to networking opportunities that connect VCs with founders, including parties, roundtable discussions, and lounges. 

Participating in the TechCrunch Startup Battlefield 200 also means joining a distinguished community of founders, boasting over 1,100 Startup Battlefield Alumni, who collectively have raised a staggering $29 billion since their Disrupt debut.

We’re thrilled to share the same stage as distinguished companies like Vurb, Trello, Mint, and Dropbox, becoming part of a big community of fellow startups. Vurb won TechCrunch’s Disrupt NY 2014 Startup Battlefield competition with its take on mobile search focused around browsing rather than endless results pages; Trello launched in the TechCrunch Disrupt Battlefield in 2011 and in 2014, and it was spun out of Fog Creek Software as a stand-alone company; Mint was founded in 2020 in Montréal, Canada, with a bold vision: to usher digital art into the blockchain era; and Dropbox is a smart workspace company that provides secure file sharing, collaboration, and storage solutions. 

We’re deeply honored to share the stage where these amazing companies once stood during their early stages.

GLASS representing the GovTech ecosystem at the TechCrunch Startup Battlefield 200

In the ever-evolving landscape of innovation and entrepreneurship, being chosen as one of the few GovTech startups in TechCrunch's Startup Battlefield 200 is a remarkable achievement for us. This recognition not only places GLASS in the spotlight but also highlights the critical role that GovTech plays in building the future. 

GovTech, short for Government Technology, represents a transformative force in the public sector, revolutionizing the way governments interact with citizens, deliver services, and address societal challenges. GLASS' presence in the Startup Battlefield 200 affirms the growing importance of technology-driven solutions in shaping the future of governments, from improving public services to enhancing transparency and accountability.

However, despite GovTech's immense potential, there remains a persistent lack of visibility and recognition for the GovTech ecosystem. In an era where technology is redefining every facet of our lives, it's disheartening that the GovTech community still operates in the shadows, often overlooked and undervalued. It's imperative that we continue to champion the GovTech cause, shining a light on its potential and advocating for the recognition and support it truly deserves. Only by doing so can we ensure that the GovTech ecosystem thrives and continues to drive positive change in our evolving digital world.

We’re counting the minutes to take the stage and unveil our experience facilitating government procurement as we connect the heart of our economies—our small businesses- with the largest buyers in the world, governments. Stay tuned as we reveal how we're shaping this crucial connection for the world to witness.