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How Do I Onboard My Digital Product One by One?

Once you are approved you will receive access to your Vendor Dashboard. From there, you will be able to add products as well as monitor your orders. We are always working to make adding products more intuitive and convenient, so feel free to send us any feedback you may have. 

To add products one by one:

  1. Go to

  2. Log In as a vendor

  3. Go to Products

  4. Click the (+) symbol

  5. Click "One by One Import"

  6. Start adding your product information (See the table below for details)

  7. Once you added all your product information, click create

  8. If your product has variations (color, size, etc) and documentation you will be able to add it now




Product TypePlease select if your product type (physical, digital, service, customize)

Product name

The title of your product. Example: N95 Respirator

The Product name column can't be blank or missing.

Category Select your product category. For example-> Monitors: Products/Remote Work
DescriptionA good product description supplies customers with important information about the features and benefits of the product so they're compelled to buy. Customers enjoy reading about the process or the story behind the product as well. The more descriptive you get, the more your product will stand out!
PhotosUse up to ten photos to show your item’s most important qualities.
•Use natural light and no flash.   
• Include a common object for scale.   
• Show the item being held, worn, or used.   
• Shoot against a clean, simple background.


The price of the product. Don't include any currency symbols, include only the price. For example $9.99.

The Price column can't be blank or missing.

Quantity The number of items you have in stock of this product.

Minimum Order Quantity

If cero or one (0 or 1) please leave it blank.

Quantity Step

Quantity step means that a specific product only can be sold in packs of X units.

0 (zero) means any product quantity can be purchased.

Processing time

Please add a minimum and maximum business days.


Details about the warranty product have.

Example:  None


Size variant of the product.

If the product does not have a size please leave it blank.


The color variant of the product.

If the product does not have a color please leave it blank.

Additional documentation

Enter the URL for the files delimited by  ///. GLASS COMMERCE downloads the files during the import and re-uploads them into your store.

Processing time

Delivery time expressed in days.

Example:  1 or 2 days.

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