GSA Commercial Platforms - Learn more


Jun 6, 2024

Startup Savvy: Young Entrepreneur Paola Santana Of GLASS Shares Their Secrets For Rapid Growth and Success

Top secrets for rapid success and growth from a Sillicon Valley entrepreneur, Paola Santana

May 20, 2024

GSA Commercial Platforms: Pacific Ink and Glass Commerce

In March 2024, the US General Services Administration awarded contracts for its Commercial Platforms Programme. Along with household names Amazon Business, Staples and Grainger, four small businesses were also given awards.

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Apr 29, 2024

The history of eCommerce

Thomas highlights the outreach role GSA has played and must continue to play to enhance opportunities for growth in customer agency usage., and he discusses the impact of GSA’s new SaaS advance payment policy and what it means for customer agencies and in

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