GSA Commercial Platforms - Learn more

E-commerce marketplace enabling convenient & compliant government purchasing.

Helping government buyers make more inclusive and sustainable purchases, faster.

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Save Time & Reduce Effort

Managers and individual buyers spend less time finding reliable government vendors, requesting quotes, and tracking orders.

Small Purchases Dashboard

See all your purchases in one single place, and obtain more insights into relevant purchasing categories.

Access Order Details In Real Time

Track, flag, and return orders from different vendors in one single place, with one simple click.


Buy From Verified Vendors

All vendors are verified in advance and count with business certifications and clearances from government-trusted databases.

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Access any Order Detail

Receive real-time purchasing notifications straight in your inbox.

Glass Commerce Tools

✔ Obtain budget insights through our Budget
Breakdown per Category.
✔ Understand your purchasing goals and
accomplish them.
✔ Socio-Economic Goals Tracking with our P-Card.

Government Buyer Dashboard

Continuous overview through the Government Buyer Dashboard.

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Simplified Transactions

Pay with your Government Purchase Card and checkout seamlessly.

G-Commerce Tools

✔ Constant improvement through Analytics.
✔ Hit your Socio-Economic Goals with our Tracking Dashboards.
✔ Ability to check your vendors


G-Commerce has helped Government agencies secure over 5 million items

We've helped government buyers connect directly with their small and local vendors, simplifying small purchases and providing expedited sourcing assistance.

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Expert Procurement Concierge

Available 24/7 to help you with real-time sourcing, general questions, concerns and ordering support, via our Live Chat, email, hotline, and Help Center.


Find all the answers you need in our Help Center